domenica, maggio 04, 2014

Evaluation in a distance class

Evaluation means the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.  There are some types of evaluation that are the most common (for me):
·         Questionnaire: that is based on seeking feedback method also improves speed, anonymity and standardization
·         self-evaluation: where the students try to find there weakness and strengths during the process of the class
·         Holistic evaluation: is the kind of evaluation where you see each aspect as a whole.
·         Analytic evaluation: is similar to the holistic evaluation but the difference is that here each aspect is analyzed on a specific way.
Some of the difficulties that can present the distant class are that if you as teacher use the same type of evaluation some students could cheat or pass the answers to the other students. Other difficulty that could appear is the fallout of the internet that could block the students to apply the evaluation.
A language teacher can do a lot of things during this current educational flow (constructivism) tell that one as teacher can use the projects as evaluation, also you can use the rubrics, the diary, the portfolios; with all of this the student can feel that he will not be evaluate in the same way that some teachers were doing from antique era. Also they will feel the flexibility to do the activities because they will not feel stressful with the variety of evaluation aspects.
Other thing that the teacher can do could be some techniques of old flow (behaviorism) such as test but not the boring form that some people do the exam, you can improve the way to do it i.e.  doing some listen items that are in the like of the students such as cartoons or animation that they like, for example: for kids it could be adventure time, for teens could be some about music, etc.
You also can put images to motivate the creative aspects on the students because some of they learn by the uses of pictures to improve their knowledge; so with all of this aspects can use the teachers to evaluate the knowledge acquired by the students.
 Based on my experiences on evaluation, I created some ideas about how to create a good evaluation on a distance class, for example: using an activity such as an essay, that the students can send you the essay and you can check it, other can be a project that they can send you.  You can also apply the self-evaluation to they see their own process during the distance classes.

Well in conclusion, I think the evaluation can be uses on both styles of classes because you can adapt the evaluation process to each class and some of them you can use on the same lesson. Also you can generate on distance classes the uses of different media to impulse the activities that you will evaluate the students. So you as language teacher can use a lot of aspects to create new evaluation instruments. 

3 commenti:

  1. Hello Camilo and thanks for sharing with us. It was kind of fun reading the part where you mentioned about students cheating, but unfortunately it is true. We, as students, have lived that, that´s why we know about it jeje. I also agree in what you said, about evaluation being used in both, distance and face to face classes.

  2. Hello Camilo. I like how you explained or at least mentioned different types of evaluations but most important you talked about the evaluation using conductism and constructivism. After understanding how is constructivism evaluated we can understand how a distance class should be evaluated.

  3. Hi Camilo, I like the explanation of the different types of evaluation good job!!!
