domenica, marzo 23, 2014

Ways to give support and assistentce to the distance curse' student.

            Well in this essay I will talk about the different ways that exist to give support and help to a distance course’ student. In this era where technology is consuming the world, the use of distance courses is a new concept that improves the autonomy in the students that take this kind of classes; but sometimes the learner will feel, and I include myself in this, that he is does not learning because he is not having enough support or help by the teacher and he starts to feel disappointed about the distance class.
            The student usually is a person that cannot assist to a classroom but has the decision to continue learning but has not the possibilities or the time to do it, so distance class is the perfect option to that kind of people. The distance classes are specially design to the needs of their students, a lot of universities (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca (UTM), Universidad Interactiva y a Distancia del E. de Guanajuato (UNIDEG), Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato (UVEG), Universidad de Guadalajara (UDGVIRTUAL), Universidad Veracruzana Virtual (UV), Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMICH), Universidad Autónoma de la Laguna (UAL), Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEMOR), Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ), Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN).) are creating virtual careers, which are careers in a distance way, to make the people that are working or they will feel unconformable by being on a classroom because of they think are old in comparison with the young students that are on the universities.
            All of this looks nice but sometimes a series of difficult can be presented to the students such like the network falls, the light goes out, there is no signal to access, for mention some ones. These are problems that can affect the learner to access to the virtual classroom, and also the interest could fell.
            In my opinion, I consider from the text three more important aspects where the communication between student and teacher is more frequent:
1.      Interactivity and Distance Teaching: Traditional distance-learning systems have been designed around the learning isolate, an individual learner who generally works by him- or herself and has communication links with his or her tutor through the postal and telephone systems (and, more recently, through fax machines). A typical isolated learner has few, if any, communication links with other learners. Early exponents of distance education, such as the UK Open University, soon realized the importance of tutor-student and student-student interaction in the educational process and, being aware this element was lacking in their first distance courses, instituted local and regional study center systems to provide the facility for these interactions to take place. (Howard, 1995)
2.      The Berlitz `English for Banking' Course: The Berlitz School of Languages has traditionally provided language courses for specific employment sectors. Berlitz courses are delivered `in context'. The School does not provide a generic course in English, but relates the language syllabus to the students' working environment. Thus Berlitz has developed a number of English language courses for different market sectors, such as banking and telecommunications. [1]
3.      Interactive Multimedia Systems: Full interactive multimedia systems such as the Multimedia Teleschool are expensive to establish and run. Direct broadcast by satellite requires the use of costly television studios and the rental of time on satellites in addition to the range of terrestrial networks. Effective implementation of such systems currently is best carried out by consortia of organizations where expertise is spread throughout the group and large numbers of students can offset the high cost of delivery.
I think that some other solutions to the communication problem could be video-conference, in this process the teacher and student can be speak using the web cam and with this they are in contact and the help can be easier.
Other possible solution could be the remote control applications, these are programs that gives access to the teacher to enter your computer and navigate on your data, is a very useful tool but has a very dangerous con, when you give access to the other person he can see all your information, so it can be like violation of privacy.
Finally I proposed a creative way to be on contact could be the Skype calls or maybe the apps that can facility the conversation teacher-student.
In conclusion, I think that the ways and the methods that give and improve the communication exist but the expansion and motivation to use it are an intrinsic process that the students need to do by themselves.

[1] Op.cit 

7 commenti:

  1. Dear Camilo,
    Thank you for sharing your information. I agree that alienation is a huge drop-out igniter. The lack of interaction between teacher and students may drive learners insane. Luckily, there are many ways in which teachers can interact with students. Facebook, video chat, email, and phone, are some technological platforms that could be use to maintain that aspect alive. Once again, thank you very much for your contribution.
    José Luis Marín Jiménez
    PD. I like the fact that your blog is in Italian, do you have any idea how learners in Italy are doing in regards of distance education?

    1. well thanks by your comment in response to the question about Italy the distance education is apply on the economic sciences in other areas isn't apply.

  2. Good job!
    Ir true what you mention that are many tools to communicate, the only problem is that the students do not use it. For that reason as teacher we must facilitate those tools and motivate them.

    1. exactly but as one teacher told me some times the motivation is personal but we as teachers need to stimulate that motivation

  3. Well, I'd like to begin by saying that sometimes, when having distance classes, I have felt the same way... like I´m not learning anything. But at the end, I results that in fact I learned something, even though I didn´t realize it during the process.
    I liked the solution you proposed, about having video conferences. It is a very good way to be in touch even in the distance.

  4. Very good job! We agree in many ideas. I think you are right when you talk about many way to comunicate students but we do not use them all the time. I like your solutions but I believe that in order to make them work both teacher and student must be willing to give a part.

  5. The cooperation between teacher and student is the most important thing in this types of courses
